www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Today we filmed Chris Mancini at the Puppypals training school. Chris kindly agreed to film three articles with us on the subject of trick training, including cross paws, 'foot on foot' and even how to teach your dog to do handstands!

We thank Chris and her colleagues for their time, and look forward to bringing you these articles early next year.

Friday 14 December 2012

Medical Detection Dogs

Today we filmed the amazing work of the Medical Detection Dogs. A fairly new charity, they are training dogs for a variety of roles, using their keen sense of smell to detect particles in urine samples and indicating when they find the particular scents that they are trained to detect.

 It is said that some dogs can detect cancer cells in two parts per trillion. They are also more accurate during the earlier stages of cancer, as there are less other complications at this point, and thereby easier to distinguish.

We also filmed 10-year-old Stephen who has type-1 diabetes, his dog is trained to detect the scent of low or high sugar levels, and indicates by fetching his tester equipment, and alerting his mum in the second instance. A wonderful story, we look forward to bringing these articles to you in the new year.

Monday 10 December 2012

Baileys, no ice

Today we had the good fortune to film the great Bill Bailey! Bill and his wife Kris kindly allowed us into their home to capture Bill in his native environment, with his three Bali Dingos, and a whole menagerie of other animals too.

Bill shot a video with us, all about his work with the Bali Adoption and Rehabilitation Centre (BARC) and how he came to rehome three Bali Dingos himself.

We thank Bill and his family for their time today, and look forward to bringing you this video soon!

Saturday 1 December 2012

New December 2012 videos

Our December issue is now live. In this we take a deeper look into some of the topics that have proved popular in recent months. We look further at the Pets As Therapy dogs scheme (Registering a Pets As Therapy dog), dog first aid (Poisoning), agility training (tunnels), Tellington TTouch (earwork) and pet insurance (different types).

We also take a look at a couple of innovative new schemes. A fairly recent idea and one that builds on the Pets As Therapy notion is that of “reading to dogs”. This is not as crazy as it might initially sound. Studies have shown that when a child reads to a dog, it is not only fun for them but helps by providing a non-judgemental audience. It really seems to build a child’s confidence and there are a number of these schemes now supported by the Kennel Club. We hear from the Kennel Club about their participation and from 'Danny' from one of the schemes.

Another new and exciting approach has been taken by Wood Green – The Animal Charity with their “Paw to Door” scheme. This is a way to re-home dogs without the need for lengthy stays in kennels. We discover how this works in practise.

Finally, should you want to make the most of your canine’s good looks in time for Christmas, we get some helpful hints on finding a good groomer.