www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Car sickness, Firework phobias TTouch sessions

Today we filmed the lovely Toni Shelbourne in Berkshire to find out more about car travel problems, firework phobias and what actually happens during a TTouch session. As usual, Sandy and Skyler were on hand to help out and were more than willing TTouch participants!

Skyler is a very active little dog so we wonder if it will have an effect in calming her down a little, we're ever hopeful!

Friday, 26 August 2016

Agility filming

Today we have been filming with Marianne Tembey from Patchwork Training for some more agility articles...
- Using jump grids to affect stride
- Teaching the 'wait'
- Agility exercises for dogs under 12 months.

We look forward to bringing you these articles soon :)