www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Din Dins and BATs!

On the road again, this time in London to film a great article about nutrition with Alison Daniel. Alison has spent a great deal of time researching the benefits of many natural ingredients, and has used this knowledge to create a range of supplements called Din Dins. It was clear how much Alison knew about her subject, and great to get some of it down on film. We look forward to bringing you this article later in the year.

Straight from there we went to meet up with Grisha Stewart, in between her very busy schedule of seminars and conferences she agreed to meet up with us to film a few articles about her Behaviour Adjustment Training, or BAT. As well as a general article about BAT and it's benefits, we filmed a session using BAT to treat a reactive dog who attacks the vacuum cleaner with amazing results. As always, we cannot wait to bring you these articles.

And if that wasn't enough, we also met up with Jordan Shelley to ask him how he has been getting on over the past few months and what he has discovered about putting positive reward based training into practice. 

Thanks very much to Alison, Grisha and Jordan, we look forward to filming more with you all again in the future!

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