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Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Top Ways Therapy Pets Help Humans and Vice a Versa

The super old saying that "dog is man’s best friend" is one that has been around for ages and is completely true. There have been many studies done that prove dogs have a positive benefit on everything from the health of humans to the happiness of humans as well. There are many different ways that dogs help humans, but there are also ways that humans can help their loyal pets as well. From making sure that they are taken to the vet on a regular basis to keeping them safe during the holidays, our dogs should be pampered and loved. With that in mind read on below for a few of the top ways dog’s help their humans and vice versa.

Dogs: As Therapy Pets

Pets used for therapy are some of the most loyal and intelligent animals around. From helping you get through college to helping you shop at the local market, therapy pets are not just helpers to their owners, they are loyal companions and friends as well.

Humans: Give Your Dog a Home

The first and probably the best way that you can help your pet is by giving them a home to begin with. There are many stray dogs on the streets and many more that have been picked up and put to sleep because no one wants to adopt them. Your first step is to adopt a pet to give a home.

Dogs: Help with Depression

Dogs have been proven over and over again to be able to help with depression and keep their owners happy. If you find yourself depressed, curl up with your pooch and watch a movie or even just pay him some attention and you will both feel better before you know it.

Humans: Watch What He Eats

You might not know it, but there are some foods that are toxic for your dog. There are serious health consequences for everything from chewing a chicken bone to eating a bar of chocolate. Most dogs will eat anything they can get hold of, so make sure to keep those items and other toxic foods up where your pooch can’t reach them. If your dog does get sick from a food that he shouldn’t be eating, take him to an emergency vet as soon as possible for treatment. You will both be glad that you did.

Dogs: Early Cancer Detection

It has been proven that dogs can be trained to sniff out the early warning signs of cancer. The smell that cancer cells give off is easily detectable to dogs who have been trained to know what to look for. If your dog is insisting on sniffing at a certain part of your body all of the time, it could be because he’s found something that you need to get checked out. Don’t ignore him, call your doctor right away for an appointment.

These are just a few of the ways that dogs help humans on a daily basis and some of the ways that you can help to take care of your loyal pet. From early cancer detection to being a therapy pet, dogs have proven that they are indeed “man’s best friend,” and always will be.

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