www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Monday, 1 August 2011

August 2011 is underway

What a fantastic month! In this issue, meet Michael Ball and hear how his dog Freddie survived pioneering new hip surgery. Also hear how Turid Rugaas advises we can improve our dog's confidence by providing a variety of mental stimulation. Ian Dunbar talks about the type of walks that he enjoys the most and recommends for a happy, healthy pet, and Barbara Houlding explains how Veterinary Physiotherapy can benefit older dogs. Nick Thompson tells us how 8yr old Great Dane Sasha who was suffering from Spondilitis was helped with acupuncture and other therapies to help her to pee again. We also find out about the links between Castration and Behaviour and how TTouch can be useful in agility training.

New subscribers ALSO this month get a voucher for a KONG product up to £20

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