www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Nando and puppies

Today we had the great pleasure of time filming with Nando Brown and the gorgeous 'Fizz', his Belgian Shepherd Malinois puppy. We took Fizz and new Naturally Happy Dogs office puppy 'Skyler' for a walk together to socialise them with other dogs and people, before coming back home to interview Nando about the Do's and Don't's of puppy playtime.

After sitting perfectly with Nando for the interview, Fizz started to get fidgety so we went straight on to 'puppy biting and what to do about it' before settling her down for a nap.

For the last video, the 'attention spans of puppies', Skyler took Fizz's position on Nando's lap, but it was clear the morning had worn her out as she slept peacefully the whole way through.

We look forward to bringing these videos to you soon.

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