www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Friday 28 June 2013

Saying goodbye

Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our office dog 'Lady' on Wednesday. At the age of 15 and 8 months, her body had given up and she went peacefully off to sleep at the vets. I wrote this to her while thinking through everything that we had been through together.

Dear my little Lady,

I want to thank you for what you have given me throughout your 15 years and 8 months. I still remember just how excited I was when I first saw you, I chased the postman down the street when he delivered the developed photos that I had taken of you and your litter mates. Originally called 'Whisper' we soon changed that to 'Lady' (that turned out to be a very sensible decision!)

In your prime you knew (and would respond to) over 70 commands, including sneezing on command and wrapping yourself up in a blanket. You were my best friend and my excuse to not do my homework.

You appeared on Japanese TV, were 'Miss June' in Dogs Today calendar 2002 and competed at Crufts in agility, flyball and obedience. You gained a 3rd in agility, winning out of elementary and gaining me a trophy. Your claim to fame was beating a particularly good poodle in a Helter Skelter! Despite you fouling in the agility ring at some shows, we persevered, teaching me to cope with embarrassment and frustration.

You have enjoyed eating your way through life, impressively finishing off a plate of gammon for 14 people! 

You have been my 'old faithful' for many years. I have you since before my 'first kiss' all the way through to happily married life.

The world will be a quieter place without you, but my heart will feel that bit emptier without you resting your head on the bottom step waiting for me to come downstairs.

I hope there is plenty to eat and there aren't too many doors to be the wrong side of wherever it is you are going. I will find you again one day when it is my turn.

Love you little Lady xxx

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