www.naturallyhappydogs.com - The online dog video magazine

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Treating Your Dog for Fleas

Following our recent visit to Nick Thompson, we thought we'd bring you some information about fleas while we're waiting for his video to go live.

All dogs, pedigrees and cross breeds, can get fleas. Flea infection can not only make your dog uncomfortable but it can be a nuisance to people too. It is vital that you take preventative measures if you wish to avoid getting an infestation in your home. The reproduction cycle of the flea is exceedingly difficult to break, and infection can give your dog such distressing problems as dermatitis, allergic reactions or large sores. Humans too can be afflicted with these symptoms.

Traditional vets recommend regular dog flea treatments to prevent your dog becoming infested. The PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) gives advice on how and how often to treat for fleas here.

Nick recommends a mixture of garlic and ginger which can make dogs 'taste bad' to fleas and can reduce the chance of them becoming infested. You can sign up to our free newsletter to find out when this video goes live.

Flea eggs can drop off your dog and be deposited on carpets, furniture and bedding. So be sure to hoover carpets and launder your dog΄s basket regularly. Central heating means that your home can provide year-round warmth which means fleas can thrive at any time of year and damp conditions combined with humidity will only encourage fleas to multiply.

Dogs can also pick up fleas from other dogs, so while you may be scrupulous in keeping up flea treatments for your dog, other dog-owners may be less so. Be sure to reduce the risk of infestation when your dog is in social situations.

There are obvious tell-tale indicators that your dog is infected if he has been unfortunate enough to catch fleas. He will be scratching frequently, particularly behind the ears, and will probably have black flecks, known as “flea dirt”, showing clearly on his skin. The skin may also be red and inflamed. It is possible that you will see actual fleas, though this is rather less likely.

If you notice any of these signs, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible, they can advise you as to which commercially available products are safe and effective.

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